Alan Biocca Engineering Online Catalog
Zip Reel set Detailed Description

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Order Code: zip
Product Information
The Zip Reel (no longer available, see Mini Coaxial Reel, or Zip Replacement parts) came pre-assembled with an easily removable friction-fit barrel mounting system and pre-loaded with 150 yards of Spectra type launch line. The Zip Reel has clever line holding fingers to release the line on launch, controlling the line and avoiding tangles. The large circumference of the Zip Reel (nearly two feet) allows it to feed line with minimum friction and allows the launch ball to reach maximum height. The Zip Reel main component was manufactured by Saunders for Archery bowfishing. The custom Antenna Launcher coaxial mounting system was by Eric WD6CMU. If you have a Zip reel take good care of it, we do not have spare Saunders Zip spools (however we have a replacement for the spool that will fit Eric's mounting system core, see the Zip Replacement Spool in this Online Catalog). In particular, avoid winding the line on the reel with too much tension as this breaks the spokes. Zip Reel is a trademark of Saunders Archery. Saunders stopped making Zip Reels in about 2016. We ran out in 2017.
Zip Reel set - Price: 99.98 USD
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