All posts by AKBiocca

Santa Rosa is on Fire, Pacificon is coming

We are saddened and distracted by the terrible fires just to our North in our hometown. In the first night the fire consumed six of our past and present family homes, and these were miles apart. Many of our family and friends are now homeless, and the flames are still burning. Many of our childhood places are gone. It is very hard to believe. The smoke here, even 50 miles away, is significant, and some of the flames are not very far away from our location.

This has distracted us from our production and we apologize for this extra delay in filling orders.

We will be at Pacificon again this year. My wife has the Premiere Jewelry booth (a new company for her), you may find me there at times. I will also be selling in the flea market, I may be able to bring some launcher product as well as some good stuff from the garage to sell. Come by and say hi!

Field Day 2017

We made our last pre Field Day shipment a few days ago, and are now fully involved in packing for the Annual trip. Hope to hear from you on the Radio next weekend!

During this period email responses will be slow, we will return after Field Day and re-engage.

Order processing will resume after 27 June. Thanks for your patience!

Zip Reels No Longer Available

We were recently advised by Saunders, the manufacturer of the Archery Fishing Zip Reel we used in our Zip Reel product that the product was no longer in production. Recently we received our last batch of them. Orders placed after about April 9th, 2017 will be changed to Mini Coaxial Reels or Super Kits as the customer chooses. The Mini Coaxial reel is very effective and slightly smaller, and was developed to conveniently fit into the 18″ tool cases that make a 17″ launcher easy to pack and carry to field. It will also work on the 19″ launcher of course.

Updating the online pages and catalog will take some time, so the Zip Reels will show there for awhile.