The new shelter in place (not quite a quarantine) restrictions in our area should have minimal effect on our production aside from some additional minor delays as long as they allow shipping in and out. We have a list of orders and enough parts and materials to continue working on filling orders. Our family is healthy and we hope that you and your family remain healthy and safe.
Category Archives: Production-Shipping
Production and Shipping related News
Quartzfest 2020
Was great, attendance was over 850 this year and we had a great time. My new Design for 3D Printing presentation was well received and we’ll probably expand it for next year. 3D Printing is the best tool we’ve learned in just about forever. It has enabled so many improvements in our products and processes. The Antenna Launcher presentation was also well attended, and this is the only launcher presentation where I’m able to actually launch a tennis ball into the sky, so it is always extra fun. Make plans to join us next year at Quartzfest 2021, which I think will be the 25th Reunion for the event. The ARRL has recognized it as the largest Specialty Convention, lasting six days with three tracks of talks most of the schedule. It is the only conference I’ve been to where you can really spend some quality time and get to know folks. See for more information. Dates for 2021 will be posted soon, but it always takes place in late January when the weather in the Arizona Desert is better than most anywhere else in the US. It is a bit of a trek but it is worthwhile.
So we’re back and getting cracking on all those backlogged orders. We ran out of a lot of parts and materials so getting those is the first order of business (after the sales taxes were completed), and one new excitement there is – my source no longer stocks the barrel pipe. So we had to do some scrambling and the distributor figured out how they can get some special order. There’s always some new problem to solve to keep the production lines flowing. That is now ordered, and we have a little left so hopefully it will arrive in time to avoid additional delays.
Now we’ve got to get more parts made and get the kits and parts orders out (some have already shipped), and get the assembled launcher assembly line moving. Lots of moving parts.
We also received a new mill and have set that up and used it to make some parts. Eventually we plan to convert it to CNC and that should save some time and allow fabricating some new designs…
There is one more Triple Ratio Balun Kit available, so we also need to order more parts for those, there will be a delay of a couple of weeks on more baluns.
Alan, w6akb
Welcome 2020
We are winding up 2019 and starting 2020. We will be at Quartzfest, and will do three presentations, one on Antenna Launching, one on Electric Bikes and one on Designing for 3D Printing using OpenSCAD. Come by and say hi! Production will resume in February.