Category Archives: Production-Shipping

Production and Shipping related News

Finishing 2019

We’re finishing the orders in the que, there are a few left to go but most of the work is done. Unfortunately for some reason the shipping app is giving errors and won’t print shipping labels today. Hard to say where the problem is between the browser, the web and the various apps and companies and services that are involved. We’re trying to get everything out the door!

Thanks for your patience,

Alan w6akb

New Kit Instructions

For some time we have been working on new Antenna Launcher Kit instructions. We have “started over” with a new Order of Assembly that is designed to better align the launcher with the new barrel to chamber Spacer Block. It has new text and lots of new photos. It also contains instructions for Leak checking and repair, and for assembling Launch Balls. Find it on the Info page, look for the 2019 Kit Instructions. The old instructions are still there marked 2010. If you have already started assembling you should stick with the instructions you started with, however you can look at the photos to get more clarity as to how the parts go together, but understand that the order of assembly has changed and starting with one set of instructions and jumping to the other can lead to trouble unless you have not yet glued the barrel endcap to the “U” structure.

On Fire

We’re not burning, but there are fires all around us. The air quality has dropped during the night, just don’t inhale. Our power has stayed on, though many neighbors are out of power. I’ve been charging radios and readying the generator as well as refreshing lists of what to grab if we have to leave. The 3D Printer is busy printing launcher parts, so at least it is not distracted… Many relatives and friends are displaced from their homes, and many are without power. It is a bit of a mess.

I’ve made some updates to the design of the 3D printed version of the Ball Holding Tool. Does anyone actually use this tool? We supply one (either a piece of schedule 40 PVC pipe or the 3D printed tool) with Super Kits, but judging by the lack of orders for loop kits I wonder if anyone actually makes their own launch balls. We do get many orders for launch balls, so it seems like we are always running out. The cashiers figure I must play a lot of tennis the way I buy tennis balls. I do play tennis, but rarely open a new can for that since I use a pressure can to store the balls in and they last a long time. Often folks give me their slightly used balls to put into the pressure, so I don’t open too many of mine. If you need a tennis ball pressure can I have some nice ones that I make, contact me.

We had a great Pacificon and a good flea market. Sold some radios and stuff and talked to a lot of folks about the launchers. Next on the calendar is Quartzfest in January. We are signed up for three presentations there, one for the Antenna Launcher, one on Electric Bicycles (another of my hobbies), and a new one on Designing for 3D Printing with Open SCAD. Hope to see you there.