Pacificon 2021

Pacificon is nearly here. It seems like a long time since we’ve been to a hamfest. With so many cancellations, it has been a very long time. We’re not bringing any launchers (for sale) with us this time as those are committed to the backlog, which is growing smaller. We do have a list to work on after the backlog is cleared. If you want to be added to the list, let us know.

We are bringing small stuff to the Pacificon Flea Market on Sunday. Things like launch balls, loop kits, 3d printed parts, drill twine kits, reels, spare launch line and some blemished parts at a discount. Come by and see us in the Flea Market.

Isn’t it frustrating when your handheld radio falls over? We have some new HT stands that we designed and printed that make them quite stable, yet still easy to pick up and use. We are bringing a few to the Flea Market. They are not yet added to the website, that will happen later.

We are also bringing some R&D launchers for display. A later development from the one pictured above. We have some interesting improvements being tested that may show up in future launchers.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Pacificon this weekend.

Be safe.

73 de Alan, w6akb

Supply Chain

Recently we were re-ordering 270 foot twine reels and ran into the problem that is gripping many businesses. Lack of supply and/or high prices. Rather than raise the selling price to inappropriate levels we have marked these reels out of stock until we can again find them for a reasonable price. We do have a good inventory of Drill Twine reels that are especially convenient with a small battery powered drill, but can also be used by hand.

September Update

Pacificon 2021 is scheduled, hopefully it will go forward and we’ll be there at the Flea Market as usual. Hope to see you all there. I’ll bring launcher supplies and show the prototype I’m working on. We also usually have some “seconds”, slightly blemished parts that sell at steep discounts. Let me know well in advance if you need anything specific.

Planning for Quartzfest 2022 is underway, and we hope to be there as well. What presentations would you be interested in? Last time we did one on 3d design with OpenSCAD, one on Antenna Launchers, and one on DIY and Commercial Ebikes for RVers.

I continue to make launchers and ship orders as we work on the backlog. Thanks for your patience. Today I did a minor overhaul on the 3d printer that makes many of the parts for the launchers, and now I’m doing a test run of a Mini Coaxial reel that takes 9 hours to complete. That printer has printed many dozens of reels of filament, I’m expecting to do a complete overhaul at some point, and another printer is waiting to be assembled when we are ready. There’s a partially completed CSV19 on the workbench, one package ready to go out and another order waiting to be packed and labelled.

73 de Alan, w6akb